Prior to your first visit with Exactacare Chiropractic & Injury Rehab, you may wonder what to expect from your experience. We also understand the tension you are facing as you select a provider to help you with your situation. To help reassure you, we have our process outlined below so you know what to expect on our journey together.
Our first step towards becoming equipped to help you, is to learn more about you and your history. The result is our new patient form. While it may seem long, the information and history you are providing is critical for us to truly help address your specific need. You can fill out our online form, print a copy from our website or pick one up at our office location. Once you complete this form, we will move to our next step, the assessment.
Before treating you, our doctors must first arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Our doctors are highly trained in diagnostics, credentialed from both Chiropractic Universities and Medical Schools. Using your symptoms as a guide to narrow the focus we will gather more information from a physical examination. From those results we may recommend x-rays, MRIs or other advanced testing to determine the exact cause of your problem.
Once a diagnosis has been determined, we will prescribe a treatment plan tailored to your exact situation, including the type of treatment you will receive, the frequency of the treatment and cost of treatment. If a referral is necessary, our team of physician specialists are the best in their field.
As we continue to follow the plan, progress evaluations will be performed at regular intervals to track your progress. Along the way elements may arise that modify your treatment plan to keep you on track to your desired results.